Monday, March 3, 2008

Beach Clean Up!

The hike was FUN! I love to pick up the trash because it helps keep our beach clean. When I saw a litterbug sign it reminded me not to litter. I also love to go hiking because it makes us stay healthy. I loved being in my moms team she looks very good in picking up the trash.
- Eugene Villagomez-

I like the beach cleanup because now I've experienced HIKING! It was a very long walk but still it was a lot of fun to save the sea creatures and the land. When we saw a ditch, me and my team went in there. Me and Jimmy picked up a broken a.c. and we thought it was trash. -Isa Rabago- ........................................................................................................................................................................
Mr. Villagomez gave all of us trash bags and gloves so we picked up trash all the way to the beach. It was fun until we got to Lau Lau beach. We picked up more more more trash. When I was walking I also saw a nice colored rock and it was pretty. When I sat down my dad said "get up" and he carried me on his neck to the shade. I always stopped at the shade because I was so tired. When we were going back to school my dad carried me on his neck again. It was fun so far until we had to go to lunch. Only some people ate and most didn't because we ate at the beach. But the funnest thing was that we didn't do any work we just went hiking and watched a movie.
-Tawnie Ann Manibusan -
Our hiking yesterday was fun! Mr. Villagomez said we were good in hiking. We were petting his puppy Oreo because it was cute. Then we started to walk to LauLau Beach and started to pick up trash.
-Angelina Rabauliman-
We walked from school to Lau lau beach. When I got there I got a little skinny and tired
and hungry so I ate three packs of chips. I wanted to swim but I did not, Sullivan picked up more trash.
-Dhalian Salas-
On our hiking my team parent was Ms. Kathy and my teammate was Brianna. When we kept on going we were almost always the last ones because we kept picking up trash. Oreo, the puppy, was going in the puddle because he was thirsty. Mr. Villagomez said "what did you do to my only clean house dog." Brianna was the only one picking up trash in our team. Jimmy in Ms. Felix's class found a lot of trash and when we got there we ate snacks and took a break. Everybody kept saying "I found a crab!" When we were heading back to school I almost scared Brianna.
-Jayda Mendoza-


Angelo Villagomez said...

Great job, guys!

(and girls!)

Brad Ruszala said...

Wow, guys. It looks like you had a lot of fun on your hike! Can I come next time?

Ms. Kathy said...

of course you can come beacause it's fun

Isa your friend

Ms. Kathy said...

of course you can Mr. Brad any time konprendy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

/jayda mendoza

Anonymous said...

of course

of course u could mr.brad

Brad Ruszala said...

woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

thanks for saying that and thanks for the trash bag and gloves and thanks 4 the ride

Anonymous said...

of course mr brad u coyuld

Anonymous said...

we love u all

Anonymous said...

why won't you call ms.kathy?

Angelo Villagomez said...

Yeah, why won't you call Ms. Kathy?

Anonymous said...

HEY MR.villagomez when are we gonna see you again huh!!!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

mr.brad why u didnt come

Anonymous said...

mr.angelo i miss oreo could u bring him in our next field trip

mr.brad could u come in our field trip

Brad Ruszala said...

I can come to the field trip if there are cookies. Will there be cookies?

Anonymous said...

yup only if your gonna come!

Anonymous said...

any time you could come but pay for yourself im just joking! you could ask ms.kathy but if you want to pay for your self thats find for me and everybody and my dad said that if i kick a gol in my soccer game he could know my team name is IFC and i never won a game ms.kathy said that she might go to my game!
jayda mendoza

Anonymous said...

mr.brad come next
week thats our
field trip please everyones begging
for iu to come
everyone misses you
mr.brad please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

dear mr.brad come to are field trip please come and follow us please mr.brad

Anonymous said...

dear mr.brad come to are field trip please come and follow us please mr.brad

Brad Ruszala said...

So should I expect some delicious cookies?

Anonymous said...

Yes! I'll bring chips ahoy... do you like any kind of cookies?

Anonymous said...

Ill bring you something special too Mr. Brad Im gonna ask my mom

Brad Ruszala said...

Any kind of cookies will do!

Anonymous said...

mr.brad come to our
field trip
in tuesday come here in the morning
could you
come please
i'll gett coockies
if u come
i ment in tuesday
in the
early morning
you to come
i keep saying stop they
dont want


to mr

Brad Ruszala said...

I'll be there tomorrow. I promise!