Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tiny Irish men and a Pot of Gold

  • If I had a pot of gold I would trade the gold for many money and when I have the money all scattered in a pile. I would throw it like rain! I would also melt the gold and make a gold sculpture, like a GOLD ANGEL instead of a Snow Angel. If I had a pot of gold I would make Ms. Kathy a real golden tiara and make her golden slippers. -Isa Rabago
  • If I catch a leprechaun Id wish I was a famous scientist with a famous laboratory, and I will set him free. I will invent a special robot that would do things fast. I will also invent a robot turtle because it would be great if he was my pet. -Katrina Malate
  • If I had a pot of gold I would buy a new house and the house would have a GIGANTIC pool. 10 lamber ginees, 5 four wheelers, and 5 motor cycols. I would also buy a submarine and make the submarine driver drive us all over Mariana Trench. -Eugene Villagomez
  • If I catch a leprechaun I would wish my mom's mom comes to Saipan because she never tryed ro come here. I wish my hole family can come here and my grate grama can stay alive and be here for my birthday. - Divonna Agulto
  • If I had a pot of gold I would spend a massage on my back and I wud spind it on a hot tub shower and a gold car. - Briana Thomas
  • If I had a pot of gold I would buy a great big submarine and a boat to go to managaha. I would also buy a girl turtle and a boy turtle for our class. - Dhalian Salas
  • If I had a pot of gold I would keep looking to buy a 2 story house. I would also ask the best good soccer players to teach me cause I always lose in the game. I would be a pet dog, rabbit and well a lot of dogs. I would also take a day off and go on a vacation to Oregon or Guam. I would also go sky diving. -Jayda Mendoza

Friday, March 7, 2008


Last Saturday, March 8 2008, was the PGFC (Primaty Grades Forensic Competition) Regional meet @ Marianas High School. It was a long and tiring process but we stuck around for the finals.

Tawnie Ann mentioned "a couple months ago, when we joined our first competition, everyone was nervous and not so confident. Now, look how far we've gotten!" Jayda, Dhalian, Erika, Briana and Tawnie awed the audience with their winning piece "Sometimes I feel this way"
Katrina and Isa competed in Duo Interpretation with the infamous piece
"If the World was crazy"

Readers Forum: "Click Clack Moo cows that type" was Tawnie's choice and below Sullivan also read "If the world was crazy" by Shel Silverstein

Briana and her sister Katie warmed our hearts with their pretty smiles and giggles as we all waited for the results.

KUDOS to Jayda Mendoza, Tawnie Ann Manibusan, Erika Lansang, Dhalian Salas, Briana Thomas, Isa Rabago, Katrina Malate, and Sullivan Kazuo... You make me the happiest teacher in the world!

A SHOUT OUT goes out to the family and friends who came and encouraged the kids to give it their all.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

If I were a sea creature...

If I were a sea creature I want to be a King crad cus it has pinchr and if somwon tries to catch me i will biet them. I can also go fast and hide onder the sand.

If I were a sea creature I will be like a tigr shark. The shark has shap teeth and it eats anything they can find. They swim in the deep deep ocean and they eat there onw babys sometimes.

If I were a sea creature I would pick sword fish because it has a sharp nose. It can swim faster than other creatures and it can kill enemies with its long nose.

If I were a sea creature I would be a dolphin cause it represents PTI and when you are swimming in the ocean it will push your butt. Another thing is it won't bite.
- Jayda

I would be a dolphin because it jumps high. Its very cute and some of my family likes dolphin. We could wride on them and it could also beat sharks up.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Beach Clean Up!

The hike was FUN! I love to pick up the trash because it helps keep our beach clean. When I saw a litterbug sign it reminded me not to litter. I also love to go hiking because it makes us stay healthy. I loved being in my moms team she looks very good in picking up the trash.
- Eugene Villagomez-

I like the beach cleanup because now I've experienced HIKING! It was a very long walk but still it was a lot of fun to save the sea creatures and the land. When we saw a ditch, me and my team went in there. Me and Jimmy picked up a broken a.c. and we thought it was trash. -Isa Rabago- ........................................................................................................................................................................
Mr. Villagomez gave all of us trash bags and gloves so we picked up trash all the way to the beach. It was fun until we got to Lau Lau beach. We picked up more more more trash. When I was walking I also saw a nice colored rock and it was pretty. When I sat down my dad said "get up" and he carried me on his neck to the shade. I always stopped at the shade because I was so tired. When we were going back to school my dad carried me on his neck again. It was fun so far until we had to go to lunch. Only some people ate and most didn't because we ate at the beach. But the funnest thing was that we didn't do any work we just went hiking and watched a movie.
-Tawnie Ann Manibusan -
Our hiking yesterday was fun! Mr. Villagomez said we were good in hiking. We were petting his puppy Oreo because it was cute. Then we started to walk to LauLau Beach and started to pick up trash.
-Angelina Rabauliman-
We walked from school to Lau lau beach. When I got there I got a little skinny and tired
and hungry so I ate three packs of chips. I wanted to swim but I did not, Sullivan picked up more trash.
-Dhalian Salas-
On our hiking my team parent was Ms. Kathy and my teammate was Brianna. When we kept on going we were almost always the last ones because we kept picking up trash. Oreo, the puppy, was going in the puddle because he was thirsty. Mr. Villagomez said "what did you do to my only clean house dog." Brianna was the only one picking up trash in our team. Jimmy in Ms. Felix's class found a lot of trash and when we got there we ate snacks and took a break. Everybody kept saying "I found a crab!" When we were heading back to school I almost scared Brianna.
-Jayda Mendoza-

Creative Writing

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Your children will enjoy creative writing if they are given inspiration, time to write, and the opportunity to share their work with others. Through our class blog, they will be given a chance to do so. Class pictures and other fun stuff will also be posted! I encourage you to post a comment to give them immediate feedback.
-Ms. Kathy