Last Saturday, March 8 2008, was the PGFC (Primaty Grades Forensic Competition) Regional meet @ Marianas High School. It was a long and tiring process but we stuck around for the finals.
Tawnie Ann mentioned "a couple months ago, when we joined our first competition, everyone was nervous and not so confident. Now, look how far we've gotten!"
Jayda, Dhalian, Erika, Briana and Tawnie awed the audience with their winning piece "Sometimes I feel this way"
Katrina and Isa competed in Duo Interpretation with the infamous piece "If the World was crazy"
Readers Forum: "Click Clack Moo cows that type" was Tawnie's choice and below Sullivan also read "If the world was crazy" by Shel Silverstein

Briana and her sister Katie warmed our hearts with their pretty smiles and giggles as we all waited for the results.
KUDOS to Jayda Mendoza, Tawnie Ann Manibusan, Erika Lansang, Dhalian Salas, Briana Thomas, Isa Rabago, Katrina Malate, and Sullivan Kazuo... You make me the happiest teacher in the world!
A SHOUT OUT goes out to the family and friends who came and encouraged the kids to give it their all.